Breakfast & Vitamins/Supplements
I'm on a mission to lose some weight. I'm always on that mission, but I've heard so many times in the past couple of weeks, you must eat breakfast. Not that I haven't heard this in the past, it's not news to me. However, I'm notsomuch an early morning eater. So, I made smoothies Monday morning, had one- that was good- I had a glass of milk and a Fiber One bar this morning. I must eat in order to take the 9 bazillion vitamins/supplments I take. I've only been taking them once a day- at supper time- and several are to be taken 3 times per day. I feel like a walking pill bottle. I really need to write all of them down. So, two days down, and it's going good. Funny, also, how you eat MORE to lose weight. The more I eat, the hungrier I am- that just doesn't seem right, but it's seems like the way to go. We shall see. I have about 40 lbs to lose. I've also noticed that one of the supplements seems to be a culprit in causing me to have excess gas. Nice, right? I'm just full of TMI. But, ohmahdang.
Our Neighborhood
I felt like an ancient driving into the subdivision last night after work and my Walmart run. All I saw driving through were young couples with babies in strollers, young, thin soccer Mom's running with their Ipods- not an ounce of 'jiggle'. Obviously no middle aged women, because unless you've had work done, have no chesticles, but are over the age of 40, there will be jiggle. I'm just sayin'.
Hair & Shaving
In said Walmart run, I was going to pick up a hair color since one of my stylists hasn't returned two of my phone calls, the other lives far away & won't be in town until November, and my gray is shining like a 1970's silver Christmas Tree as seen in Edward Scissorhands. I was also going to replenish my razors. Venus Breeze Spa. Do you KNOW how much those things are? $13 for 4 replacement blades. And, the hair color's- well, I couldn't find one for what I had 'budgeted' for this. So, I've decided to stop shaving and let my hair go gray. Wow, how old will I feel THEN?! As my husband said, to quote from one of our favorite movies, "Is your personal tragedy interfering with your ability to do good hair and shave?" Why, yes, honey, it is. I'm really not going to quit shaving, but I've got to relearn using cheap razors and shaving cream. The thing I love most about the Venus Breeze is that there are 5 blades, and 'stuff' around them that allows you to go sans shaving cream, soap, etc.
I miss Evan & Tayler so much it hurts. They are such wonderful young adults. They are such a blessing in my life. I miss Chase & Cam, as well. They have their own lives, doing their own thing. But, I know it's time for them to fly. I'm just not finished being Mama, being needed. I know that no Mother ever is- but, I still want more 'time' with Evan & Tayler. Selfish, I know. But, true. Empty Nest Syndrome bites.
My Health/Body
Things are going pretty well on the MS front. Fatigue & tiredness. But that's always there. My numbness in my face & blurred vision is all cleared up. My back ache on Sunday has settled to a dull roar. Just aggravating mostly. I'll take that all day long over it screaming at me. I'm walking pretty good. I don't look drunk ALL the time. Mainly just after 5:00 in the evenings. So, I'll take all those blessings I can get.
The House 'Situation'
We've had an offer to refi the house. Sounds great, right? Notsomuch. They want to finance more than what we owe now, and lower the rate. Well, I don't want to finance MORE. I can't sell it for MORE, but they want to finance MORE? And, have it approved for said MORE price. What kind of sense does that make. Yes, the note would go from $1555 to $1380, howEVER, we would owe MORE. That math just doesn't work for me. I want OUT of this house. Truth be told, a nice small apartment, with NO yardwork, LESS housework would be just perfect. It stresses me out on a daily basis.
Ending on a GOOD Note
I heard this song on the radio this morning on my way to work. It smacked me right between the eyes.
The Motions
What's up with this?
I can't figure out how my font changed mid way through this. Who knows. I don't need no steenkin stress, so I'm ovahit.