
Monday, January 25, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday in the Life

Some may say I'm strange, but I'm ecstatic to be at work today. I've had vertigo problems since last Wednesday and missed 1/2 day Thursday and all day Friday. I was, thankfully, able to work from home, but not as much as I could get done here at the office.

I'm very blessed to have an awesome and understanding boss.

And, as my title indicates, it's not really a full on 'manic' Monday, but it's had it's moments.

It's always hard after a few days of rest to get back in the swing. One would think I would be used to it by now, I've been working for 30 years. One would be wrong. I cherish my weekends because it is time spent with family and friends with no rush-rush craziness going on.

I'm starting on a list of priorities for my workdays. I need to have some quiet time for prayer and devotions in the mornings. I do listen to Focus on the Family's program every morning on my commute which is such a blessing. I also need to start back on my exercise program. There just aren't enough hours in the day during the week. If I could read on the treadmill like some folks do, that would be great, but I have bad motion sickness already, I can't even WATCH someone read while they are on the treadmill. And yes, I laugh at myself about it. But, it is what it is. I have no doubt I would end up on some funniest home video as my ample behind flew off the treadmill while trying to read my Bible.

Back to work.


Julie Coney said...

what if you had the bible on mp3 or cd or something, then you could listen and walk... :)

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