
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

An Attitude Adjustment

I used to call my boys out when they needed an Attitude Adjustment.  Still do, sometimes.  They will ALWAYS be my kids, no matter how old they get.

Well, today, I'm calling MYSELF out because I DO need an Attitude Adjustment of major proportion.

I'm sick of hearing me bitch.  I know everyone else is.

Yes, I have pain daily, yes I can't speak or type properly after about noon, yes I am extremely fatigued and tired 98% of the time, but YES I AM getting up out of the bed every day, YES I DO have a job, YES I DO have a roof over my head, and a fridge full of healthy food.  Adjust it, Lisa- NOW!

See how easy that is?

Now I've prayed about it, written about it, now to practice it!  Lord, give me the strength, a grateful heart, and the humility I need to realize how blessed I truly am.


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